2019 Installation of Officers

- 7/9/2019

At the July monthly meeting of Downingtown Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 845, recently elected officers repeated their oaths of office as administered by former Post Commander Thomas Ames. Post Commander Marty Peterson held an American flag with his left hand while others symbolically held the flag by placing their left hand on the right shoulder of the comrade next to them and forming a link that terminates with the Commander who holds the flag.

 Installation of officers 2019


Officers being sworn in on July 9 included (from left to right) BHA Director Vanessa Barron, BHA Director Jerry Banks, Post Trustee Barry Durkee, Chaplain Bob Fernholz, Quartermaster Ernie Griffith, Junior Vice Commander Jim Fox, Senior Vice Commander Lenny Gillespie, and Post Commander Marty Peterson.  Seated in foreground is former Post Commander and Officer of the day, Tom Wise.