Veterans Day at East Bradford Elementary

Ed Marion - 11/20/2024

On 11/8/2024, VFW Post 845 participated in a Veterans’ Day event hosted by East Bradford Elementary (EBE).  The school’s students and staff welcomed our nation’s veterans with a patriotic assembly for the entire student body.  A panel of veterans were gathered on stage.  Each veteran was assigned a 5thgrade escort who read a brief bio for their assigned veteran followed by Q&A.  In addition to the veteran panel, grades K-2 performed "This Land is Your Land” while grades 3-5 sang "You’re a Grand Old Flag.”  Click Here for K-2 Performance.  Click Here for Grades 3-5 Performance.  

Thank you to EBE for hosting a wonderful celebration of our Nation's Veterans.  VFW Post 845 is excited to engage with EBE again next year!