Post officers elected for 2024 - 2025 term

- 4/11/2024

An election of officers took place during the regular meeting of VFW Post 845 on April 2, 2024. There were no new nominations added to those made at the March 5 meeting. Only one position, the 3 year Post Trustee, had more than one nominee and therefore all other officers were elected by acclamation. The race for Post Trustee was between Paul Daugherty and Bonnie Webb with Dougherty winning by a narrow 17 - 13 margin.

The officers who will be installed at the June 4 meeting are:

Commander: Ernie Griffith
Senior Vice Commander: Thomas Flick
Junior Vice Commander: Vanessa Barron
Quartermaster: Chris Hueston
Chaplain: Lou Franconi
3 year Post Trustee: Paul Daugherty
3 year House Committee Director: Lenny Gilespie
1 year House Committee Director: George Ramirez

At VFW Post 845,the position of Adjutant, Service Officer, Judge Advocate, Surgeon, and Officer of the Day as well as committee chairs are appointed by the Commander. These appointments become official after the Commander is sworn in for the ensuing term of office.