Swearing-in of new officers

- 6/21/2023

On Tuesday, June 6, a swearing-in ceremony took place at the Post meeting room for the newly elected officers who will serve from July 2023 through June of 2024. The traditional ceremony has the incoming post commander touch an American flag while the other officers vicariously touch the flag by touching the shoulder of the person in front of them while the oath of office is administered.


Pictured below in order of rank of office (in this case from right to left) are Post Commander Ernie Griffith, Senior Vice Commander Thomas Flick, Junior Vice Commander Vanessa Barron, Chaplain Louis Franconi, Quartermaster Chris Hueston, Surgeon Walt Irons, 1 year Trustee George Ramirez, Ed Marion standing in for absent 2 year trustee John Mitchell, Andre McMullen standing in for Judge Advocate Matt Konchel, and 3 year Trustee Dave Lemon.


The oath was administered by Service Officer and past Commander Paul Dougherty (out of picture). Marty Peterson who served as Post Commander for eight consecutive terms since 2015 will serve as Commander Griffith’s adjutant.